See how our customers are increasing sales conversion rates by 10-50%
Discover why salespeople in high ticket industries prefer using our Human Intelligence System (HIS) to manage client communication.

Before, my conversion rate was 16-20%. After using HIS, my conversion rate has increased to 33%.
In the past, I could only close people my type (Healer). It was very easy to close healers. Nowadays, when meeting people who are Explorers or Knights, it is much easier for me.
Especially for Explorers, I will try to close faster.
Being a healer, I felt it was hard to ask for the close. Nowadays with referrals, I can go up to 100% closing rate.

Senior Financial Consultant, MDRT 2021-2023

Before, my conversion rate was 20-30%. After learning HIS, my conversion rate has increased to 50-60%.
When interacting with people generally, I learned that people behave with a certain pattern. However, I didn’t know how to classify them systematically so it wasn't clear how to engage them.
After learning HIS, I still use it 4 years later, especially during case studies with my team.

Ong Shan Qing
Senior Financial Consultant, 2020, 2022 MDRT

My conversion rates have increased 10-15% for both qualified and non-qualified leads after using HIS.
Sales wise, HIS has helped me close quite a few Explorers. I usually don’t feel comfortable closing very fast, but your system taught me awareness in sensing your client's preferred style during the meeting so I could adjust accordingly.
It has helped my sales process to be smoother.

Hazel Yeo
IBF Qualified in Private Banking & Wealth Management, AIA Million Dollar Gold Club

Ethan's HIS system has helped me tailor my presentation style to the personality type of my client. Perhaps I would have still ended up working with them eventually, but understanding my prospects better also helped them with their decision making faster. If I were to put a number to it, it has improved my sales conversions by 30%.

Melissa Loo
Senior Financial Services Consultant, MDRT (2020, 2022), AIA Million Dollar Club (Platinum) (2022)

As a result of implementing the HIS system, my conversion rate has significantly improved to 70%. This remarkable increase reflects the positive impact it has had on my ability to understand and connect with others effectively. I highly recommend the HIS system to anyone who wants to enhance their communication skills and achieve better outcomes in various aspects of their life.

Senior Financial Consultant, MDRT 2020-2023
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